Thursday, October 7, 2010

Shopaholic ?? Me?? (Day 7)

"Why??" they asked, when i bought another book. "I love reading" was my answer but deep inside i know its not the only reason. I mean if thats the only reason then i could read it off internet, there's plenty of places that i can a book from. I don't know its good thing or not but i'm obsessed with books. Its like i'm addicted to it, when i see a book store i got this urge to abandon whatever i'm doing just to go inside it and look the beauty of the book myself n the smell of the paper its just so nice. Maybe if you ask some shopaholic, they will tell you the same. What the Fuck ?? am i becoming a shopaholic ?? no no no way. this is a very big realization, i'm off to think. damn you blog for making me realize. Day 7.

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